Thursday, March 26, 2015

Overcoming Class Struggle Under Capitalism

This week in class we learned about Karl Marx's viewpoints of the Capitalist system. He explained the class struggle under capitalism with three explanations. First, Marx states that Capitalism divides everyone into one or two classes. Either the Bourgeoisie or the Proletariat. With the Bourgeoisie being the owners of the means of production, and the Proletariat being the workers/producers of the means of production. Next, Marx states in the Capitalistic system the relationship between the Bourgeoisie and Proletariat is based upon a fundamental contradiction. Marx's explains in this explanation that although the Bourgeoisie and Proletariat both act in the mood of distribution, the distribution of goods doesn't correspond to the contributions of each class. And Marx's last thought of class struggle in the capitalist system is the conditions of the workers of this system will only get worse. It's inevitable that the poor will get more numerous and the wealthy will get fewer and increase their wealth. Based upon Marx's interpretation of the Capitalist system and how it effects class struggles, I concur with Marx and his opinion. The way we could eliminate the Capitalist system would be if everyone made somewhere near the same amount of total income per year. If we had a system like this we would stop one another from trying to out do one another and we would create a single working class working together.


  1. Yes it is true to say the rich are getting richer as well as decreasing in size because it is seen in our culture in numerous ways. If you live in the United States of America it's hard if not impossible to escape capitalism. It would be better if we were all placed into one class; however, how realistic would that be. Wouldn't people still compete to be on top & to have more and more than their counterparts? How exactly would we manage a system where everyone got income in the same range of one another?

  2. I agree with everyone being put into one working class, but I think that is impossible in this economy because like she said people would be still trying to compete to be better than the next person. That would cause so much conflict

  3. I totally agree with your point of view, because with this system everything would be fair, diminishing violence in our society.

  4. That is certainly a noble ideal, but the entire system runs on capitalism. If capitalism were to be replaced by a new system within the United States, it would be an economic crash. It would take a complete economic collapse to create Marx's system within the US because it would take the majority of the population to rise up (not work), nothing would get done for a few months or years as it takes the big wigs time to discuss what they should do and by the time a consensus was about to occur, the people would already be back to work because they need food so there would be no longer be need for reform.

  5. I agree with what you are saying but the world depends on capitalism. So if the government was too decide to change that there will be a economic crash. The state's would not know what to do and there would just be even more confusion.
