Friday, March 20, 2015

Moral Values

Friedrich Nigtzche defines humans as value creating beings. These values are things we add to the world. He explains the genealogy of morals, split into two time periods. Nigtzche explains these moral values as being created by the weak.

During the Noble mode of valuation, or pre-moral time period, good was defined as life affirming. A person had to first understand themselves as good, this would be a noble. Being good meant being beautiful, noble, powerful, happy, healthy and strong. For the nobles, God loves things because they are good. For these nobles good is determined first and bad is just an afterthought .Their enemies are therefore good, because they cause no harm to them. They do not really take bad into consideration because they have everything they need. Their values come from the inside as they consider who they are and what makes them be the way they are. They have a yes-saying mindset, focusing on their own beings and all of their positives.

After a certain time the "Resentiment" or the slave revolt in morality changed view on moral values. The slavish morality was created by the weak for their own benefit. They first identified themselves as loved by God which entitled them to be noble, strong and beautiful. Being loved by God and possessing these qualities made them good. They considered anything opposite of them evil. Therefore evil was always determined first and the opposite was defined as good. This mean their values came from an external stimuli. Their enemies are always evil. Their beliefs were based on a no-saying mindset, stating what they should not do.

This change in moral valuation came about to benefit the weak. It was their way of rebelling against what they believed the unfair distribution of traits towards the more powerful or noble. They meant for this way of thinking to showcase a noble's strength as a weakness.

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