Friday, March 20, 2015

Morality of us all

One of the topics in class today sparked my attention. We were discussing how ads, people, and other social media things affect what we are really wanting or liking. In a sense, it makes you want to step back and think "is this really me thinking this way or is it what I've been told. I do believe that we make up our own decisions and can create our own opinions. But I also feel that we are ignorant to the fact on how much outside sources affect our judgement and perception. If something is constantly being embedded into our brains, how are we to know if the thoughts we later acquire are really our own.
Now don't get me wrong. I still believe we are capable human beings and we still have a sense of logic and understanding, but honestly, how easy is it to persuade us? And is the persuasion good or bad? Maybe even both. Does this mean if we do not pay attention close enough, can our morals become twisted. Can we become so persuaded that our morals are not even at the same level they are now? Food for thought.
I am really enjoying this section of class. It really makes the gears inside your head to churn and think about life.


  1. Interesting question... I think that you can only really deal with what you've experienced... For instance, you can say that you want something being advertised because it interest you, and you've seen it advertised all over the internet, but google adsense is [supposedly] showing you this product because of the interests you have explored in your web history. But where did you get this interest? Probably some sort of real life activity or experience that was introduced to you, because you come into this world knowing and being interested in nothing. Morals are no different; if you're introduced to a certain set of standards growing up, then you're likely to hold onto them. Now, you might decide later on in life that you want to set your own standards, or you might experience a change in interest, but this is still based on experience; something in your life has caused you to devalue the morals that you were brought up with or something more interesting may have come along that makes you wonder why you even cared about that other thing to begin with. Overall, I think that I would say that it is possible to be persuaded early on in life, but there are always opportunities for autonomy.

  2. This is a very interesting thought. On one hand, I believe that as human beings we are gifted with knowledge and free will enough to think for ourselves and make our own choices. However, I think that a lot of times we are so wrapped up in what others think is best for us or the beliefs passed down to us that we don't take time to think for ourselves. For instance, when you are at church, are you there because you are the one that chose to be there and chose your beliefs? Or are you there because, somewhere along the way, your parents or loved ones brought you up to believe these certain things and passed the religion down to you? Often times I wonder where I would be if I didn't have the parents that I have that raised me in the beliefs I have now. If I were raised in a different household that didn't have a strong belief system, would I be choosing the Catholic faith?

  3. This part of class intrigued me as well. I am aware of the fact that some of our perceptions are fed to us, but I feel like we can choose what does, not because we're that strong but because of the uniqueness of the individual, personal values, and circumstances.
