Friday, March 20, 2015

A different side

In The Bible, Free will given by God is one of the few things that separate animals and humans, free will allows humans to ignore their instincts and instead follow moral guidelines that have been set out for us. Taking care of the weak, sickly, and all-around stupid is seen as the right thing to do, and though it goes against animal instincts and we are animals, thanks to free will, we choose to do the right thing and take care of those who wouldn’t survive on their own not including babies of course.

In class, Professor Johnson asked what the difference between humans and animals is, and someone answered free will as in humans can choose to ignore their instincts. Because free will is usually used to justify all the humans do wrong, the answer was waved off. What if the reason we act what we assume is morally is actually in fact because of free will? My point is that God is an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipotent, and a whole bunch of other omnis, and owing to that, God may have a blue and orange scale of morality whereas we have a black and white, as in what God thinks is moral may not be the same as what we feel is moral. We’ve always been told that we can’t understand what God, an all powerful and ancient being, intends or means. Following what Nietzsche thinks, because God is strong, he may not even think about things like right and wrong. Though that last thought seems a little farfetched. Think about it, the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, was written by prophets of God that could possibly have had absolutely no idea what this all-powerful and all-knowing being was talking about, it would be a similar circumstance to a middle-schooler sitting in a college calculus class as the professor wrote down theorems and then that an average middle-schooler tried to explain it to everyone else. Then Jesus came and simplified calculus to the point that even a middle-schooler could understand what steps to take, but something so complex could easily lose things in the simplified version and remain incomplete. The point is that God is very difficult to understand and the Bible might not be the best source. This could be all off base, but it doesn’t hurt to take into consideration.

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