Friday, March 27, 2015

Can Class Struggle Lead to the Abuse of the Poor?

Marx, who was a great thinker, began to wonder if the existence of social classes could lead to the dictatorship of proletariat. For example, if we look back at the system in which we currently live in, Capitalism, we can see that equality is not given to every member of society as it supposed to.  In a job setting we have the workers who fabricate the products that will be sold by the company. Then, we have the managers and bosses that are in charge of supervising the job of the workers. When the products finally get to the market, the profit made from the sells goes directly to those people who put less effort such as managers and bosses. The lower payments go to the workers, who put more effort by fabricating a product that created profits for the company. There is no equality in this scenario and any person that works for someone else would agree. However, if we look at this scenario closely, we can see that if equality is created, that means that both employees and employers have to earn the same money despite the effort been applied to the work. This would not be equal either, because what about those employers that made an effort to go to college and study hard to achieve a higher salary than others. Society would simply become a place where people did not have to work hard, because the same rewards would be given to everyone. When we look at things from another prospective or when we put ourselves in the shoes of others we begin  to realize that things are the way they are for a reason and if we try to move a piece everything falls apart and chaos is created.

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