Friday, March 27, 2015

Capitalism: No One is Equal

I see no problem with capitalism. People work hard for what they have. Most people aren’t just given their success, although some are. People that built America: Rockefeller, Edison, Ford, and J.P. Morgan. These men are just a few but of their time they were the wealthiest the world had ever seen. They worked hard for their success and money followed. Most of these mean are widely disliked, blamed by the poor for being poor but really the only thing keeping you poor are your own life decisions. If you are saying, “I cannot do x because of y”, you really mean, “I do not have enough determination to do x”.

You may say, “But Gio I have 2 kids and work two jobs that pay below minimum wage and I still cannot support myself and my kids, capitalism is keeping me from making more money at my job because they are being given to the more qualified”. This is clearly a blame game, it was your life decisions to have kids while you clearly could not support them.

Capitalism increases competition in jobs and in life, to be the best someone must come up with better technology of the previous. If we were all given the same amount of money there would be no incentive to progress society. Those that work harder and are smarter than someone else deserve to be paid more, deserve more and are reward as such. 


  1. Rockefeller, Edison, and J.P. Morgan were huge assholes and they had business practices that were completely immoral and some to most of those practices are now a lot of those business practices are against the law meaning that it is now harder to be successful in the same way that those men were.

  2. You can not compare the work of those people to the work of the poor the way they got to the top was by cheating and sitting back and watching people do their work for them. They also used "trust" which means they would pay off anyone just to get what they wanted done even if it was not good for the workers or the poor.
