Friday, March 20, 2015

Moral Values:Do They Come From The Weak?

              In class this week we learned about the genealogy of moral values. Nietzsche says that there are two types of a morality:"Noble mode of valuation" and the "Slavish mode of valuation." The noble mode says that values come from inside and the slavish mode says that values come from external stimuli or "the world". Nietzsche also states that moral values were created only to benefit the weak. All our lives we are are taught these "moral values" which proves that we barely make any for ourselves. When Nietzsche mentions the "strong and the weak" he does not mean just physical strength. The strong are able to have no regrets ,they are able to look back upon their lives and not want to change anything, they are able to forgive. On the other hand, the weak basically make excuses for why the strong should make the world easier for them. So are the weak wrong for taking advantage of their weakness? We must remember that we have also been taught that the weak can grow to become strong. For example , in school if you are not smart in a certain subject you are put in torturing which guides and gives you extra practice until you are close to being or just as smart as the person teaching you. Another example is when people are sick , we only hospitalize them and treat them with medication because we have hope that they will soon become strong. So, is this why we as humans are ok with the slavish mode of valuation, because we believe that even the weak can become strong?


  1. I'm so glad somebody else said it! I agree that it is possible for the weak to become strong. If it were the case that the strong should do as they please, human parents could just eat their babies as soon as they're born like many animals do. Fortunately, this is not the case, as the strong do not remain strong forever. Parents raise their weak, ignorant babies to become strong and knowledgeable people so that when they get old and weak, their kids will take care of them. It is therefore right for the strongest members of the human population to look after the weakest (like a pay-it-forward type of deal), as it will also benefit them in the long run as other strong people come along in their moments of weakness.

  2. This post was my favorite. You mentioned that "strength" was not only determined by physical but also mental. By saying that the strong also do things like the weak show there is hardly any difference. It is simply a mind conscious state. I believe, however, that technically speaking everyone can be weak. The strong are considered strong and the weak can also be considered strong by using their weaknesses to be stronger.

  3. I believe that it is fair for the weak to become strong as long as they don't harm people on their way to achieving strength. I personally do not consider myself a swimmer, but with practice I know I can become better or even have a career. However, that doesn't mean that know that I have become a great swimmer I can look down to others who may not be as good. Therefore, it is important to manage the power of strength in a responsible and respectful way, because it can definitely hurt many people.
