Sunday, November 29, 2015

What Punishment Does the Punishers Deserve?

White Bear was not what I expected to come across when entering class on Monday. I honestly was pretty excited when Dr. J said that we were watching a documentary instead of taking notes on a lecture– it is nice to spice things up every now and then. The film was very disturbing but also made me think about something that maybe really had never crossed my mind: the idea of "social justice."

When I was younger, I used to be absolutely fascinated by the news. My favorite to watch was Nancy Grace and I was obsessed with the Natalie Holloway case. I never really thought about what would happen if the people who kidnapped her got caught and what would  happen to them. I guess I assumed they would go to jail and that would be it. I never really understood that those people who made those mistakes, would never have a chance to be forgiven. As a believer in Christ, I know that they could be forgiven by God's love, but the world would forever turn they back on them. That is what happened to the girl in the video.

What had me really thinking was if Victoria had to start over every single day, could God's love ever find her? Or had she missed her chance at salvation? I really am starting to think that maybe her punishment is not reliving her sin day after day, but maybe it is the fact that God's love can never find her. In Danté's Inferno the levels of hell are illustrated along with the punishment each sin "deserves." I am not sure if even Danté would say that Victoria deserves this punishment. What she did was horrible and awful and cruel, but what punishment do the people who are inflicting this upon her deserve? The Devil is the keeper of hell and his punishment is that he has to stay there just as the people in hell do, but what do the watchers and the people who videoed everything and the inflicters have to do?

What punishment does the punishers deserve?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your point in some aspects. I think the woman in White bear is getting a punishment that doesn't actually have an effect on her. I think this because she doesn't actually know what is happening until the very end of the day and it just resets before the night ends. I think the punishment they give her is actually more for the ones punishing. It gives them the satisfaction knowing she has to go through it every day. However I find it very odd and actually a little disturbing that it is a form of amusement for them. I think it tells us less about the woman and more about the punishers.
