Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Media Commentary

The entire time I was watching White Bear I kept thinking it was a social commentary on media until the very end with the way in which all the characters followed her around with cell phones and were recording. In the end that had to do with the way in which she aided in the torture and murder of a little girl by filming it, so they were punishing in the same manner.

Even though the focus was not on the media aspect, I would like to open that up for discussion in the means of social justice. For example, big tragedies have been recorded and documented with means of cell phones and social media. This has completely changed the way the public views everything because now we can see it with our own eyes instead it just being reported into text or audio. Seeing videos of terrible events such as terriost attacks and police brutality is more of an appeal to the emotion of the public. The question is does it make responses more or less where they should be and does media completely skew situations in order to ignite the public or the other way around?

With that in mind, it does keep people more accurately up to date because they can get the news right as it happens which gets people fired up a lot more quickly then it would if there was no such thing. There is pros and cons to how the media effects our life, but when it comes to social justice it gets pretty sticky. It seems as though it is impossible to have all of the facts about each situation because you can see a video and already form an opinion.

1 comment:

  1. When watching White bear, at first i thought that it was about the use of media and technology as well. I agree with you that it can stem both ways taking into account the effect social media has on events concerning social justice. Sometimes I think that social media presenting all of the terrible occurrences numbs in a sense to the reality of the situation. However, as always with social media, what we see can be and most times is twisted and edited to portray a certain view.
