Friday, September 25, 2015

Don't be such a Hypocrite

     While reading through Kant's Grounding for the metaphysics of morals, I found the categorical imperative very interesting. Basically there are three different formulations for the categorical imperative. He says that we are only truly free if we follow the categorical imperative. These command unconditionally as well. Kant says that an imperative is something that a person has to do do, and an imperative is categorical, because it is true at all times, and in all situations.

The three formulations summarized:

  1. We should act with the same principles that we would want others to act with. We should act on laws that we ourselves would want as universal laws. 
  2. When you act on principles that you would not want as a universal law, you are behaving in a way that you would not want others to copy. This violates the principle of reason.
  3. Never treat other people as a way to get you your own ends. Ration beings are ends in themselves, and not respecting this would be following principles we would want as universal laws. 
     Kant could also agree that an ideal community or society, all citizens in the community or society are at once the creators and followers of all laws. In this idea community, the only possible laws are the laws that could apply to all rational beings. 

     So basically for this part of Kant's theory, he is saying don't be a hypocrite. If what you are doing doesn't meet the standards for what you say others should do, you are in bad shape. I agree with this. I think  if you say others can act a certain way or do certain things because it is wrong, you should do them either. If you are telling someone what is right or what is wrong, you know yourself, what is right or wrong. That means when you do something that you won't allow others to do, you are doing something wrong.


  1. You and Immanuel Kant are so right. I hate hypocrite people. Hypocrite people lie. Hypocrite people is duplex. This kind of people is always pretending to be what they are not. In your post you said that hypocrite people tell others to act in some way while they act in a total different way. I think that this is just a small part of it. Being hypocrite is being irational while contradicting oneself every single day. The world would be a better place if we are honest, and if we respect each other's ideas. It is just wrong going in life telling people how to act, and not acting like that. It just doesn't make sense. If you want people to act as you like, you must start acting like that and put the example. Be the model.

  2. You and Immanuel Kant are so right. I hate hypocrite people. Hypocrite people lie. Hypocrite people is duplex. This kind of people is always pretending to be what they are not. In your post you said that hypocrite people tell others to act in some way while they act in a total different way. I think that this is just a small part of it. Being hypocrite is being irational while contradicting oneself every single day. The world would be a better place if we are honest, and if we respect each other's ideas. It is just wrong going in life telling people how to act, and not acting like that. It just doesn't make sense. If you want people to act as you like, you must start acting like that and put the example. Be the model.

  3. During symposium, Dr. J brought up the topic asking if suicide is rational. This made me think of Kant's categorical imperatives. Kant brought up four examples of how duty conforms us to categorical imperatives. The one I want to highlight is the first example talking about the irrationality of suicide. He emphasizes that it cannot be a law of nature for all people to kill themselves since nature would cease to exist. A person becomes hypocritical in this instance because they are going against the categorical imperatives which are true in all situations.

  4. Selena,

    I like how you are taking his points and condensing them down to show your understanding. I believe Kant also would disagree with hypocrites. Philosophers, in general, probably hate hypocrites because they focus on doing the right and moral thing. Like Efren said "be the model" and I think Kant would agree with that notion as well. Practice what you preach.

  5. Selena,
    I agree completely with your well-thought out point about hypocritical people (I especially enjoyed the hippo picture.) I also believe that Immanuel Kant would agree with your post as well. By using points from the readings and your own thoughts on the matter, you created an easy way for the reader to comprehend the ideals. I agree with McKenzie in saying that philosophers, such as Kant, would have a hatred for hypocrites. Hypocrites go agains everything that a philosopher stands for: reason. There is no way that a hypocrite could be considered rational; they would not be able to address a topic philosophically.
