Friday, April 24, 2015

Three Fingers...Pointing Back at YOU

This week in class, we watched White Bear. This episode of Black Mirror was a bit disturbing because it brought many questions to my mind. The woman in the film was being “watched” , but she did not know why. At the end, the film revealed she was being tortured because she aided her boyfriend in kidnapping and killing a little girl. I think we can all agree that she is a horrible person for that, however, these people at White Bear that were torturing her were morally wrong for both torturing her and for going to watch her get tortured. Torturing the woman was not helping her and the only effect it had on her was that she did know what in the world was going on, she was clueless. Yes, she is a horrible person for what she did to that little girl but she was not learning a lesson. The woman had no memory of what she had done. In class we talked about punishing a person versus reforming a person.

            In her case, she was only getting punished, although what she did was wrong I think that it was not fair for her to get her memory erased after each day of torture because she knew what she was being tortured for but only for a short amount of time and then had no previous memory afterwards. Throughout the film, except, the end, she was confused and disoriented about her surroundings, so in my opinion if she was going to get tortured day after day, she might as well have her complete memory so she can actually suffer (it sound harsh but come one, deep down inside us we all have an opinion about what she did and in my opinion she did deserve getting punished. )

            Moving on to the people that were filming and watching her get tortured; they are the same as she is. She filmed a little girl get tortured, and then they were filming her get tortured, To me it is the same thing. The Bible mentions that no sin is greater than the other, so pretty much every sin is the same no matter what it is. In their eyes those people were “justified”, but in essence what they did to her is exactly what she did to the little girl. I just dint see the point of lowering yourself to a murder’s level, knowing you are much better than that. Things would’ve taken care of themselves.  He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her (John 8:7).  I use this quote because just because someone did something extremely wrong….it does not give ANYONE the right to judge or take matters into their own hands. I think that is why the woman getting tortured was morally wrong… because no human being should judge someone else because they have baggage too…like they say.. While you point one have three pointing back at you.


  1. I agree with your viewpoints on this matter. I believe it was morally wrong for them to torture her in the matter in which theydid because of that same quote that you mentioned. The people torturing are her definitely not without sin or blemish. And therefore do not have the right to do as she did previously to that little girl. I also believe that erasing her memory after day defeats the purpose of the torture and therefore was only used as a method of making a profit.

  2. I agree with this post as well. I think what they did to the woman is just as bad as what the woman did to the little girl and that it is all morally wrong. It is not our place to put punishment on others and those who took part in filming the woman were in it for the entertainment rather than the reformation.
