Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Moral Justice

This week we watched a short film in which a women wakes up without any memory of who she is or previous events in her life. In an attempt to figure out who she is, she walks outside and discovers people around her recording her every move on their cellular devices. They seem hypnotized, distant, and unresponsive. She finds herself being chased by a masked stranger carrying a shotgun and finds two people who seem normal and alert. She makes an escape with the woman who explains that a television signal has caused everyone to behave in this way and many of those who are not affected have taken over. They conduct horrible crimes involving torture of those in fear and vulnerability. She is victim of their desire to hurt others and shows her anger, frustration, and confusion towards the bystanders who continue to record in amusement without trying to help her.

As her journey continues she recovers certain pieces of what seem  memories but nothing is really clear.  At the end of their journey, when she feels there is no escape, the walls and theatrics are removed and she finds herself  standing on a stage, with a cheering crowd, again holding their phones to record her, she is tied down and presented with a video showing who she really is and an explanation of what is going on. She is a criminal who assisted her now dead fiancĂ© in the kidnapping, rape, and murder of an innocent six year old girl. She was determined guilty by a jury due to the evidence of her own recording of the events and torture of the little girl. As we learned, The events he experienced that day were meant to teach her a lesson and were seen as justice to her crime.

I do not agree this punishment was the best way to achieve true justice. It is frightening to see the inhumane treatment of individuals and the lengths they will go to achieve what they believe is correct. Although I do believe she definitely deserves a punishment for her appalling acts, I do not think people in general should lower themselves to the level of such a low and immoral human being. Although the events did cause her to see her mistakes and even become appalled by the people with the recordings symbolizing her own acts, there isn't anything that can be done that can undo the crime committed. Taking these actions only allowed those in charge of the amusement park and participants to be contaminated by the hatred, and psychopathic mindset. If everyone in the world took actions into their own hands this world would be lost. I believe people who commit acts such as hers will be judged one day and receive a punishment greater than anything they could experience in their lives.

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