Sunday, April 19, 2015


In the documentary "Catfish", an excellent point that was made was that catfish are just like people in the world nipping at toes and keeping others fresh and on their feet. Which is exactly what Angela in the story did. By creating multiple profiles and acting first as a young girl to gain the trust of Nev, and then as a 19 year old and so on, she lied and tricked Nev into loving someone who never existed. It is evident at the end of the movie that Angela has a tough life that is not necessarily what she set out to have, and for that reason, many sympathize with her and tend to think that what she did was justified. I don't believe in this case her situation justifies her actions. I believe that sometimes it can be necessary to lie, but in this case I think there are better ways she could have handled her situation. Lying and cheating on her husband were temporary solutions that hurt Nev and eventually her husband as well. For that I think that what she did was immoral and not justified on the basis that her life isn't what she wanted.
According to Mill, morality is based on whatever causes the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. I believe that besides Nev becoming famous, no one benefited from Angela's lies and some were actually hurt by it. A point brought up in class that Angela brought a child into her lies makes her actions even worse and harder to justify.


  1. Hannah, I agree with your summary of Angela's actions and why they are morally wrong. However, I do think that the whole situation was used in a positive way to bring awareness to many people that these things do exist.

  2. I agree with Thomas, She inadvertently cause a greater amount of happiness to more people because she caused Nev to create the show that lasted 3 seasons and exposed countless liars and saved countless more from being scammed into the same situation. So at first glance it would seemed like a bad decision but ended up being a good outcome.

  3. I agree with you Hannah. Even though Nev became famous, Angela still scared him emotionally. Also, for the last successful 3 seasons of the show I wouldn't say anyone was actually happy that they exposed the liars, most of them were truly hurt. Yes, it did bring awareness, but obviously not enough since the show still is very successful and Nev is emailed millions of different scenarios a day.
