Thursday, January 22, 2015

Who is a Friend and Who is a Foe?

“Justice is doing good to one’s friends. And harm to one’s enemies”, according to Polemarchus. His definition of justice is a bit vague in my opinion because he does not go into detail of what “good “or “bad” may be. Something that would be considered bad by one person can be considered good by another. For example one may think that one is doing a favor or good deed to one’s friend but could, in reality, be the opposite or vice versa, one could be doing something bad towards a so called “enemy”, but the bad deed could be something good. Assuming something is good or bad can be dangerous because what one assumes may not be what is really happening.
Has it ever came across your mind that maybe your best friend could possibly be your worst enemy or if your enemy could be your best friend? We human beings can be very gullible. When Polemarchus states that we should do harm to our enemy and good to our friends in order to be just, but how can we be one hundred percent sure who is our friend and who is our enemy. I disagree with Polemarchus because I do not believe it is morally correct for human beings to do harm to each other regardless if we are friends or foes. Going back to assuming, in my point of view, it could be more beneficial to not have friends or foes. In doing so we wouldn’t have to worry about being deceived by anyone. The way I see it if we have friends we could be just and do good to them or we could mistake enemies and friends and do good to them but then we could be being unjust towards ourselves. Would Polemarchus’ definition of justice apply to those who dislike themselves? If a person hates his or herself and wishes or wants to do harm to themselves, do they do themselves as an enemy?


  1. I personally, agree with you Jasmine in saying that it can be difficult to distinguish between who are enemies and friends are. Sometimes we think we are doing the right thing by pushing away those who seem bad and open the door to our hearts to those who call themselves our friends, but who is being honest?. I guess that is a question that all human beings just have to live with and maybe risk the fact of being hurt by the truth at some point in life.

  2. I personally believe that as humans we are often irrational when it comes to who we consider friends and who we call enemies. I believe that often times we make enemies out of those who are undeserving. If a person is undeserving, do we have the right to do harm to them? Is it just to only do what is right to the people we consider friends?
