Friday, January 23, 2015


"Justice is doing good to one's friends, and harm to one's enemies." That's the definition of justice of Polemarchus, the character from Plato’s The Republic. Do you guys think that this definition of justice is adequate, that is what really justice means? In my opinion this definition of justice is wrong. I think that Justice means to do the correct, to don't take advantage of other people and to teach others with our acts. This doesn’t mean to harm one's enemies and take revenge if they did something bad to us that we didn’t like it, because this would create a war without ending. Although we would be furious if somebody harm us, doing exactly the same to them wouldn’t make the situation fair.

How we really know who our enemies are? What if we think that somebody is our enemy and actually that person has affection for us? What if we harm a person that likes us and he only made an unintentional mistake? Everybody can make a mistake and not because of that he is going to be our enemy.

For me, justice is doing good to one’s friends and one’s enemies. If somebody harm us this doesn’t mean that we have to do the same. We have to be good friends with everybody and demonstrate that harming people is not the way people should be treated, helping them to change. Demonstrate them that together, helping us each other, we can construct a better world.


1 comment:

  1. I agree that fighting back and taking revenge on one's enemies would cause needless warfare in the world. However, I do not agree that justice is doing good to everyone despite the way they treat you. It is doing what is right for the good of the majority of the world's people. It would not have been justice to simply forgive Hitler for the things he did only on the grounds that we should do good by everyone. Justice is making the fair choice for the good of people.
