Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Fishing For Catfish

Although I only was present in class only one day last week. I learned the main point of the movie Catfish and also I even got the opportunity to hear some great explanations of the motives of Angela. Mostly what I believe is based on opinions that were brought up in class last Friday. So my opinion of Angela is that she wanted to feel appreciated and also have a feeling of happiness. It's not easy to run a household were your husband is not the brightest and your step-children are incapable of taking care of themselves. The main point  is every human being wants to feel some type of security and happiness within their lifetime. However, instead of trying to pursue happiness as a sake for its own Angela tried to pursue happiness for the sake of something else. In Aristotle's virtue ethics he tells us that true happiness cannot be pleasure. Angela tried to gain happiness by using Nev to pleasure and fulfill her thoughts of what was needed to gain and obtain happiness so that she could feel secure and appreciated in her situation. Had she wanted to talk to Nev just to have a friend she would've done that in the beginning instead of playing with his feelings for her own emotional gain. 


  1. Most of your argument is sound except for the end. You assume someone like Nev (successful, handsome, young, not in-need) would talk to some like Angela (married, settled down, kids, mother, older, in need). There would be no reason to talk to Angela because she provides nothing of importance or gain from it. Angela on the other hand had nothing to lose but everything to gain from talking to Nev. By portraying herself as a little girl (inspiring painter, new-to-the-world personality) or as different people entirely she made herself exciting and fun to talk to and thus was the only way she could get through to Nev.

  2. I agree with you. I feel that if Angela would have presented her true self to Nev they could have easily had a friendship. It probably wouldn't be like the relationship that him and "Megan "had, but that is only because she presented "Megan" as someone with three times the things in common that her real self actually had. For example, "Megan" told Nev they were around the same age,but in reality she was in her forty's. "Megan" also told Nev that she was single and she danced and singing for a living which was a major part of Nev's life, but in reality "Megan" hadn't danced since she had gotten married and she found a random person on youtube and acted like it was her singing. Even if Nev would have never talked to her as the real Angela, it was still morally wrong for her to lie and definitely wrong for her to put her daughter in the situation where she had to lie too.
