Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Link to the proof-of-concept version of the app: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59516118/RecoverAna.zip

RecoverAna is designed to help people recover from anorexia. It does this by offering automated Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which helps a person to replace their negative thoughts with positive ones. Another feature is a meal tracker, which would allow a person to record their thoughts associated with each meal. We also included an article section, which would allow a person to read more about anorexia, and become more educated. We have a forum and a chat room, where users of the app could talk to each other, and comfort each other if they are feeling down. Finally, we put a “Call Hotline” button on the app, that, when pressed, would call a hotline for anorexia.

Since our presentation, we made a few changes to our idea. We decided to make the app only accessible through a psychologist’s prescription, instead of freely available to download, so that people would not attempt to self-medicate, and make their condition worse. We also decided to change the goal behind the meal tracker, so that it is for a psychologist to monitor the user’s progress, instead of for the user to monitor it themselves, because that could potentially cause their condition to worsen. We appreciate all of the questions and feedback, and we hope that you liked our idea.

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