Friday, December 4, 2015

Justin beiber, rental cars, and 2 years behind without a daddy

Taking moral issues and this semester in general has opened my doors, furthermore it has opened my mind to many more possibilities. I could go on about how I failed my last 2 exams in a course. However, currently Pandora decided to "Play Stuck in the Moment with You" by Justin Beiber and it time traveled me to an earlier day in my development. A time when my biggest worry was if I would be able to catch the Disney premiere of whatever was the newest show or episode. Well, that's an exaggeration; I'm sure you get the point.
A few years later I'm about 2 chronological years older than my graduating year classmates. That's the least of my problems. I'm without a father. 
The reason I share this candid information is not whether I'm testing consequentialism, I'm testing existentialism. I do hold that definite optimism, the belief that we define our future successes, is of utmost importance. So an issue of current, it could be argued, is the loss of the personal touch and community. That's why I decided to share my innermost thought with my moral issues class of 2015: 
In addition, this great group of people is led by Dr. Johnson, arguably the trendiest and most up-to-date professor I have had.
Since we are "Stuck in the Moment with Each Other" might as well get to know one another and build community. One could argue that it would help lessen moral dilemmas. I hope we continue to have a great semester and I am glad to be able to share a great semester with you. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you on the fact that we have the BEST professor ever!! In addition to that, my 2015 moral issues class has definitely helped me understand certain moral dilemmas in very aspect not just from one point of view. I have learned a great deal in this class and I am definitely glad I took it.
